Permissions Policy
Free Use & Distribution
Thank you for your interest in sharing our resources. Everything published on is protected by copyright. While our mission is to freely share our Marks of Maturity resources and Gospel in 3D videos, we also want to steward these assets well and respect the rights of our authors and Sunbury City Church (our parent organization). This website is your best resource for accessing 4th Level content and sharing it with others, and we encourage you to point people here. If you want to download copies for yourself or share copies with others, we encourage you to do so, free of charge. However, we have three main categories of content, with varying permission guidelines to consider for each category.
1. Marks of Maturity
Content authored by Derek Van Ruler and Scott Boyer for 4th Level is owned by 4th Level, a not-for-profit ministry of Sunbury City Church, which currently holds copyright on all published works. You may freely use, share, and reproduce this content for personal or noncommercial (not sell or monetize) uses, provided that when publishing content online or in hard copy, you do not alter or edit the content in any way.
In all cases of republishing, the following attribution must be included:
Should you wish to use our content in other ways, please contact us for permission.
2. Gospel in 3D Videos
All videos from our Gospel in 3D YouTube Channel are free for public use. We encourage watching them in private, at small group gatherings, or at public events. You may also freely embed the entire unaltered original video from our YouTube Channel on another webpage. However, you may not reproduce, redistribute, or re-upload by other methods without prior written permission from 4th Level.
3. Training & Workshops
Other content made available on or at our Strategy Intensives & Weekend Workshops that has no author attribution, or which indicates copyright with 4th Level, is owned by 4th Level. Use of this content outside of this site requires permission from 4th Level. Please contact us to request permission.
Common Questions
May I translate the Marks of Maturity Grid or Lessons?
Translations of content for personal or noncommercial (not sell or monetize) uses, that you do not share with others, is permitted. However, given how language translations require great care to preserve the intended meaning of the original work, permission is required for any sharing or publishing a translation of the content found on this website. Please contact us to request permission.
May I play a Gospel in 3D video at my event or gathering?
You do not need special permission to play Gospel in 3D videos for a private or public gathering of any size, provided the gathering is not commercial or political in nature, and you do not charge anything to view the content. You can stream (or download, when available) content from our website or YouTube channel. Please credit Derek Van Ruler and 4th Level, and refer viewers to our website: